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Note: Stay tuned to see if this discount is offered in 2025.


How it works:

If you are an ADULT first-timer (over 15) on the Delaware River Sojourn, you may be able to take advantage of the following savings opportunity. The Sojourn is offering a discount of $25 off (roughly 25%) of the registration fee for your first day of paddle on the Sojourn.

This offer is limited to 40 total requests and will be given on a first-come basis, with priority to first-time paddlers who are planning to join the Sojourn for more than one day.

How to Request & Receive the Discount:

  1. To request this discount, you must contact Dejay Branch to be approved before you register. He can be reached by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Let Dejay know in your email why you're interested in the discount and how many total days you plan on participating. Dejay will reply with your approval and will send you an invoice for your total registration, minus the discount.
  3. Once you receive the invoice, you can pay through Paypal. Given other time commitments (Dejay has a full-time job), this process may take several days.

Thank you for your interest in this popular savings opportunity! We are looking forward to seeing you on the river!