Sojourn Camping
Camping in the great outdoors adds to the Sojourn experience. But, if camping outdoors isn't your thing, there are plenty of charming Bed & Breakfasts near Sojourn campsite locations.
The Delaware River Sojourn provides campsites as part of the daily participation fee. There is no additional cost to camp. The style of camping is up to you. Many paddlers use a typical tent, some use covered hammocks (we can't always guarantee you will find suitable trees), some people sleep in their cars or vans, and we have an occasional RV on the trip. You can also choose to camp the night before or the night after you paddle.
The Delaware River Sojourn provides campsites as part of the daily participation fee. There is no additional cost to camp. The style of camping is up to you. Many paddlers use a typical tent, some use covered hammocks (we can't always guarantee you will find suitable trees), some people sleep in their cars or vans, and we have an occasional RV on the trip. You can also choose to camp the night before or the night after you paddle.

Campsites and terrain can differ from location to location. Some areas are rustic, only offering sun showers and porta johns, while others offer full shower and bathroom facilities. If there are not any showers on site, day planners will often arrange the use of a local facility close to the campground for sojourners to use, such as a YMCA or school.

While the Sojourn is not responsible for personal items, we do leave a person in camp to provide a presence and keep an eye on camp while the group is on the river. At some sites, there is staff, law enforcement, and rangers that provide additional security. Campsites may also be several miles from town, so plan to bring anything that you may need for the night. Some sites allow alcohol, while others do not. Please consult the individual day plans for notes on campsite rules and or regulations.