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The Delaware River Sojourn is being organized and supported by a partnership of individual volunteers, agencies, and organizations that include the following:

American Canoe Association

Appalachian Mountain Club

Brodhead Watershed Association

Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed

Delaware Canal State Park

Delaware Highlands Conservancy

Delaware River Basin Commission

Delaware River Greenway Partnership

Friends of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Friends of the Upper Delaware River

Konrad's Kitchen and Grill

Mercer County Parks

Monroe County Conservation District

Musconetcong Watershed Association

National Canoe Safety Patrol

National Park Service, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

National Park Service, Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry

Northampton County Conservation District

Northampton County Parks and Recreation

Northeast Wilderness Experience

Penn State Extension: Lehigh & Northampton Counties

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Provides Funding Support for the PA Sojourns Program

Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers

Pike County Conservation District

Pike County Planning & Mapping

Sierra Club - Pennsylvania Chapter

Smithfield Township

Upper Delaware Council

Upper Delaware Preservation Coalition

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Northeast Region

Warren County & Explore Warren County

Washington Crossing Historic Park

The Delaware River Sojourn Steering Committee is being chaired by:

  • Mark Zakutansky, Appalachian Mountain Club & Delaware River Greenway Partnership

On behalf of the entire Delaware River Sojourn Steering Committee, thank you for your interest in one of the longest running PA River Sojourns!
Mark Zakutansky, Chair

To contact the steering committee with questions regarding the Sojourn, please email through our contact page.